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    Wednesday, July 16, 2008

    Pure Insanity

    As the fire, here is the latest thing that I would like to 'burn' and bring back to its simplest form. I mean, where have the days gone when family is a support mechanism and not a 'co-dependent' relationship? I live in a world where all of the characters are the Queen of Hearts, and some one is a subordinate to someone else; therefore, there is no compromise.

    So a girl sends me a text saying she is marrying a guy from a far off land and her sibling is irate. Invitation or sympathy outreach? I wasn't able to decode the meaning either, so as a defense mechanism (uh, in an effort to not react), I respond with "Let me know when you are moving so I can say goodbye." Rude or clever? I really don't care what you think, it's my issue, I just like to ponder another person's means of dealing with the situation. My reasons are mine, pretty much meaning it is not my problem to take ownership of.

    Then I get a call from a Woman asking to pick up a child for lunch from school. The child is given fast food meals everyday so how can I argue with an established routine, right? Anywho, the woman on the other line has poor health and is huffing and puffing because she is caring for her brother who is ill, and she is also in a rush to get to the hospital to care for another gentleman who is in the advanced stages of a degenerative disease. All the while, this child's father had come from across town to pick up the child's younger sibling at the same school.

    THEN the Woman invites my spouse and I for dinner; however, we must be there early because a boy would like dinner by a certain hour, AND an Elderly Man is expecting her to arrive that evening to prepare his dinner and settle him in for bed. (I declined the invitation even though I know how much it means to the Woman that I join her.)

    I truly do feel bad about the whole situation (running around rampant and the Woman not being physically well herself), but I can't change how things are. It is what it is, So I am here, waiting on the world to change...