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    Thursday, March 19, 2009

    Spanish and the Bleed

    So my job does not entail anything below the stomach; yet, I was pulled into a room the other day because I speak a very limited number of Spanish words. Needless to say, my client was put on hold as I ran to do my duty and assist the physician.

    The patient is lying on his back and the doctor begins firing a million questions for me to translate so we can obtain his medical history.

    The patient, growing uneasy, responds cautiously.

    The doctor then snaps on a latex glove, searches out his KY Jelly, and then asks me to tell the patient he is going to roll him on his side and check for a rectal bleed.

    OMG! How do I say that?!!! [deep breath]

    "El va a poner un dedo en su nalgas."

    Patient's eyes bulge. Finger in. Finger out.

    "It's green."

    "Es verde."


    "Es bueno... porque no hay sangre?"[I think]

    So because of this wonderful inopportune time that I was provided to demonstrate my skills I have decided to try and learn Spanish. I SOOO did not sign up for this!